Thursday, July 16, 2009

Neon Lights, Neon Frights

orange and pink and blue and yellow!

it's amazing how people were cured from colour coordination disability in the 80's to going only monochromatic in the 2000's. GSS prefer colours! Just like Paris Hilton!

life will be very meaningless if there's no Colour! it's like studying with only black and white text irks us! that's is why the invention of Highlighter Pens! to high light the points that we should take note and makes studying a little more happier.

but when it gets too much. you may..

disrupt traffic.

distract concentration.

and you cause a whole massive discussion on a fashion critic blog without a purpose.

see, GSS proves the point.

ah, shut up about the badly cropped photos. GSS blogs, not edit photos.